BrightAnalytics connects to Monitor, and 300 other accounting, ERP and CRM systems. The BrightAnalytics management reporting platform centralizes all the data you need, both financial and operational data.
The BrightAnalytics platform creates intuitive and visually powerful dashboards that provide instant insights into the performance of your business, and gives a 360° overview of the entire organization.
The plug & play aspect of the BrightAnalytics platform also allows you to easily create reports and dashboards yourself, without the intervention of specialists or consultants. Making changes to structures, mappings, dashboards, user accesses, etc. can easily be dealt with by yourself.
In BrightAnalytics, all financial, operational, and cash reports are immediately available:
And more!
Monitor ERP is a Swedish company that offers a complete ERP system with integrated business intelligence.
The system consists of different modules that cover every activity in a modern production company and can be combined endlessly.
BrightAnalytics already connects with more than 300 applications, and is creating more all the time! Didn’t find your connector? Let us know and we’ll get right on it!
BrightAnalytics is het meest intuïtieve, betrouwbare en snelle management rapportage platform die in alle behoeften op het gebied van management rapportage en consolidatie voorziet.
BrightAnalytics, het management rapportage platform, biedt 3 verschillende rapportage modules aan. De basis module omvat financiële rapportage, en kan uitgebreid worden met de cash en/of operationele rapportage modules.
Met onze BrightSync maken we verbinding met meer dan 280 gegevensbronnen. Een van de grootste USP’s van de oplossing is onze mogelijkheid om verbinding te maken met elk systeem.